DAY THREE:Today I watched a bit of speed skating and now my
French Market Bag has become
One with the (slow) Speed Skaters! Okay, mostly we are
ONE with the guy on the tail end of the line!
We go round in circles and after about 135 loops around the DPN's, it's a
LONG WAY back to Needle 1!So I'm rooting for any of the skaters back there
last in line. What I was really hoping for was to see them to all join hands like we did when we were kids.
Was it called a WHIP? The leader skates really fast and in all directions, trying to break the chain and see skaters zoom off in all directions.
Yeah, that would be an event I could cheer for!So now that I've crowded 152 stitches (out of 200) onto four 7 inch long, size 7 DPN's, it's getting a bit tricky making the stitches stay put on the needles. Did I mention I'm new to this knitting thing? I've seen those stitch stoppers at the store.
They look like eraser tops for pencils! Thought about buying some a while ago, but if this knitting thing turns out to be just another passing
Laurie phase, how much
stuff do I really need?!
Wished I had some stitch stoppers though, because I'm not feeling brave enough yet to try out the circular needle. I have one but it may end up in that pile of stuff I'll wonder why on earth I bought . . . but Stephani wanted a hat! oooh, blame shopping spree/packrat moment on the kid away at college . . . consider yourself poked with my Olympic DPN even though you're in Brooklyn . . .
Go Team Brooklyn! . . . from the mom sideline cheering section of Maine :)
Well, this Olympic Knitting thing is supposed to be a challenge right? Determined to stick with DPN's and knitting with 8 not working out so well 'cause I really need 9, maybe packing peanuts? Didn't have any, but found some styrofoam and cut up cubes and made my own stitch stoppers.
Have decided knitting with my
improvised stitch stoppers is a little like (Slow) Speed Skating WITHOUT taking the iceskate-blade guards off!!