International Knit Off started March 3rd
It's March 4th and I quit.
Sadly I must admit: I am NOT an International Knitter.
The 1st assignment is the MagKnits scarf found here. Shown are 3 attempts. It was ripped back at least 5 or 6 times.
I detest this scarf!
I'm not a scarf person, although I have requested the book that promises to give me insight on how to make this.
With many more Letter People to make for 2 Kindergarten classes and a 20 page newsletter deadline fast approaching it's time to face the facts. There are not enough hours in the day to be knitting something I hate.
I just did my dishes rather than knit an icky scarf.
I thought I hated doing dishes more than anything! Good luck group O.
If you'd rather do the dishes than knit something then it is a clear-cut sign! It wasn't meant to be...move on to something fun!
That scarf is ugly as sin and why would I waste my good stash yarn on something so hideous? I dropped out after looking at the picture of it. I casted on, decided that I really didn't need to win the IKO. I am hobbling along on my crutches and now I have pain pills to really mellow me out. Goodwill is going to be getting a bunch of ugly scarves that look all the same, those poor people! They are going to wonder if someone with really bad taste was trying to use up yarn!
Came to you from Stitches of Violet.
Good for you for your decision.
Knitting is a peaceful act; if it pains you, there is something else just begging to be knitted by you. You just dont know it yet.
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