I'm on page 259.
I took time out late this afternoon to walk to the edge of our field and pick enough raspberries for a pie. They're just starting to ripen and it looks like it will be a good year for them.
I may put down my book again long enough to go make the pie, now that good reading light has faded.
I also practiced a butterfly this afternoon from the tatting calendar for July 19th.
The colors I used made one freaking ugly butterfly. I thought purple & red would work better than this! I didn't put much thought into color choice - just grabbed two to practice technique with. Will have to ask the what thread was used for the sample as it is very pretty.
I'm still using up bags of free crochet cotton I was given, belonging to Aunt Nonnie. It's been over a year now since she passed away and I miss her. It pleases me to be able to finally put some of it to use, now that I've discovered needle tatting.
I don't know the correct way of working two colors yet, so I cheated and ran the second color in behind the stitches on back to get started. I'll go ask for group help on tatting using 2 needles later.
After pie baking.
And another chapter with Harry.
Book 7 KNITTING CONTENT ...from page 21:
Harry remembers asking Dumbledore: "What do you see when you look in the mirror?"
"I? I see myself holding a pair of thick, woolen socks."