Stained Glass!
My "Happy Christmas ... Merry New Year ... 2019 Bucket List" wish was:
I want to learn to do Stained Glass.

In December I lucked out and found a couple in Vassalboro selling their stash. About an hour's drive each way. It had been stored in their barn since moving to a new house and she said "we didn't want to put an outrageous price on it ... we just want it gone."
The more I look through it the more "beyond thrilled" I am!
There was no soldering iron or cutter. But lots of glass, both in scraps and beautiful full sheets. Plus a glass grinder!
I was a little afraid of the safety aspect of grinding glass. Until I put this long unused aquarium back into use! The grinder sits well inside of it and there's no chance of getting debris in the face.
All the scraps give me the freedom to experiment. Guilt free when there's an oops. There have been a few oops but it's really not as hard or scary as I thought!

My greenhouse will make a great place to hang stained glass. My first pieces will go the higher the better - so no one can see the beginner's work.
P.S. I started a new Sheep to Shawl project. May have to over-dye it when I'm finished as a lot of the inner skein barely took the dye for the more solid tones I was going for.
We'll see what happens!